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Vanuatu Shopping

Despite its beautiful islands, crystal clear waters and wonderful weather, Vanuatu shopping is also one of the most popular attractions of this tropical holiday destinations. Thanks to the development of resorts and the tourist trade, the island's economic growth has received a boost and as such so have boutique shops and retail outlets. Port Vila is the most popular city of the islands and also happens to be the capital, but is home to the best Vanuatu shopping. Aside from East-Asian and European imports, Port Vila also offers local art and crafts, clothing and a huge variety of duty free shopping.

Vanuatu Markets

Shopping in Vanuatu offers a multicultural variety of shops featuring Melanesian, Chinese, French and English influences. Vanuatu shopping is ideal for picking up beachwear and jewellery as well as souvenirs, t-shirts and even fine wine as well as almost any modern item savvy tourists seek. The traditional arts and crafts are extremely popular when it comes to Vanuatu shopping with many tourists buying up big for souvenirs both for themselves and their friends and family back home.

The most common items found when shopping in Vanuatu include bead or shell necklaces, ankle rattles, headdresses, mats, baskets, bowls and carvings as well as smaller replicas of everything from traditional weaponry to cultural symbols and items used in rituals and ceremonies. Most carved items are made from wood however other common materials used include stone, volcanic sand, coral and tree ferns. Sculptures are also available with replica canoes, bows, tools, animals, fish and birds.

In Port Vila, the Main Street is the best Vanuatu shopping destination however as much of what is available here is duty free, shoppers require their passport and travel ticket in order to purchase. The benefit of this is that these shops actually offer a service to forward your purchases on to the airport or cruise ship on your behalf, leaving you free to continue shopping without having to carry around all your purchases.

Port Vila Deals